HER blessing is not supposed to be YOUR blessing.
For years I prayed that God would give me the things that looked so good on someone else.
If only God would allow me to be able to enjoy what He had given to her...
If only I was seen as worthy enough to experience the joy that came with those blessings...She seemed so happy.
But, my wishing left me wanting a life that wasn’t designed for me at all. I didn’t realize that I was drifting. That her life and those blessings were hers and my longing for them would ultimately steal from the goodness of the plan God had already put in place for me.
Not because it was bad, but because it wasn’t supposed to be MINE.
Chasing after HER blessings left my soul achy and tired.
So my prayer began to shift from, “God, please bless me too” to “God, keep my feet in the lane designed just for me and I will rejoice in the blessing you’ve already assigned to me.”
We are not meant to drift and wish for someone else’s blessing. Period. Lean into all that God has for YOU today...it’s going to be good! ❤️
With Love,