Psalm 107 talks about me and you.
It talks about our seasons of wandering, of pain, of guilt, and of exhaustion. But it beautifully explains how God rescues us in every season. That's why it matters so much to break it down.
I'm glad you're back :)
In Part One of God to the Rescue, we got to see how God steps into the lives of those who feel like they are on a constant quest for contentment and peace; the wanderer. We found that , in His goodness, God puts these people on a direct, straight route towards rest when they take their eyes off of the path and focus on Him. He gives them the short cut to rest. The kind of rest that satisfies completely, not temporarily.
The Guilt-ridden
To the Guilt-ridden, the choices that you’ve made in your own self-interest no longer have to define or paralyze you.
Psalm 107:10 says, “Some sat in darkness, in utter darkness, prisoners suffering in iron chains.”
What have you done, or not done that grips you with guilt? What happens on a daily basis that you wish you could stop? Maybe it's a big decision that you made years ago, or a daily decision to let your anger overwhelm you.
There is an actual term for the guilt-ridden. It's called maladaptive guilt. On the contrary, adaptive guilt is an awareness of guilt that causes you to turn from it and grow. Maladaptive guilt leads to shame that enslaves a person and causes long-term mental and emotional damage. This kind of guilt clouds your heart and mind. This kind of guilt feels like suffering in iron chains (v.10). But, this guilt has a much weaker grip than God.
What happens to the guilt-ridden in this passage?
Verse 13-14, “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. He brought them out of the darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”
They chose the Way out.
Your guilt doesn't surprise God and it sure doesn't stop God. Oh, and, He doesn’t just reach down to heal the parts of us that we can see, but He reaches to the furthest depths of darkness to redeem us as we call out to Him. He gets every nook and cranny, every dark corner, every dusty memory. He redeems it all.
Understand that your guilt is not the obstacle. Your refusal to let God redeem it is the only thing standing in the way between you and total freedom through Christ.
Notice in verses 13-14 that the chains didn't just fall, they broke away. Never to have that guilt-grip on us again.
"Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind." (v 15)
Give it up, follow Jesus, find freedom, and give Him all your praise.
With Love,
Thanks, Emily! You got it exactly right: being shackled by maladaptive guilt is as bad (or worse!) than iron chains. Horrible, despairing, destroying, soul-leaching, abysmal guilt and shame and self hatred. Our Amazing, Sovereign God is right there waiting for us to cry out to Him for deliverance. But we must move out of the darkness in faith and trust in Him. Then is when the joy and the song and resurrection comes! As Jesus called, "Lazarus, come forth!"
I know this because I was in a very, very dark dungeon of my own making for over 20 years. My Jesus delivered me and showed me how to finally forgive myself because He already did, long ago on Calvary. 💓✝️📖🙏😄🎶🙌🍇