Has anyone ever said something to you that immediately set you free? Almost like it unlocked the chains you’d been silently carrying around?
Not too long ago my CrossFit coach and friend, Laura, set me free from a mentality in the gym that was unhealthy for me. When I shared my on-going frustration about not being able to increase my weight on a certain lift, she asked me "why does it matter so much to you? What is this for?". When I couldn't answer, she lovingly reminded me that what I was currently lifting was enough and unique to me. *Chains hit the floor*
My husband has reminded me that I don’t need to write like anyone else, that God gifts us uniquely to use us uniquely. *Chains hit the floor*
Can I be the one today to say something to you that can set you free?
With Jesus, 2020 has nothing on you (really, it doesn't)
When we follow Jesus, we follow the One Who gave up heaven to experience life and ministry that made 2020 look like a revival. We follow the One Who knows.
We see Jesus bringing freedom to real people in Scripture. Like, verse after verse; chains hit the floor. Scripture is vital for this reason. Scripture is truth that is alive. You can see it, experience it, and you will definitely be changed by it when you apply it. Have we forgotten this as our world has been turned upside down this year?
The truth of Scripture doesn't just fix our big issues, Scripture reminds us daily of who we are and why we are here; How we will thrive in this season to make waves for eternity.
As we are enduring the crazy right now, we don't need facts, we need truth. And the truth is this; Jesus chose to set us free in the midst of a ministry far more difficult than 2020.
Jesus was both the Sacrifice and the One who was worshipped. (Hebrews 5:7-10)
Outcast and King. Hero, yet crucified like a criminal. He shed many tears while on earth. He was restricted, alone, he felt anger, frustration, and He wished He didn’t have to suffer the cross, but He did it anyway.
Plagues? Surrounded by them. Division? Oh, yes. It defined His work. Protests? Yup, they protested Him. Injustice? In every fiber of culture. Living in the unknown? Every single day.
Despite this environment, Jesus came to bring hope. Have we forgotten about our hope? Do we find ourselves needing to be freed more often? I want us to remember this;
Jesus' ministry was GOOD, but it was also insane.
2020 has nothing on the ministry and death of Jesus.
And with Jesus, 2020 has NOTHING on you.
Choose to follow Him today, and then again tomorrow, and the next day. Allow Scripture to do what it is designed to do; loose our chains and remind us of Jesus' entire life and ministry, which was dedicated to us, especially for a time like August 2020.
With Jesus, 2020 doesn't seem so bad. In fact, it is hope-filled. Let the unknowns drive you to His side. Be one who sets other people free with truth and hope and purpose.
You get to make this year, this year doesn't have to make you. Invite Jesus in, let the chains fall, and remember that He knows, He cares, and He's working.
With Love,
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